the new pin

February 7, 2007

pin.JPGthe new pin is in the pool ( the pool is located in the manhole in the plaza)

me walking in the dance club too!!!

February 7, 2007


February 7, 2007

12.JPGi felt like showing another pic of nubbing… me nubbing 😀

my favorite place in clubpenguin

February 7, 2007

my favorite place in clubpenguin is the lodge. its just so cozy and nice to sit in. my favortie chair happens to be in the lodge too! its the green one next to the fire.         cozy.JPG   

bianca ryan wox! i meant to say wox! :-)

February 7, 2007

bianca-ryan.JPGbianca ryan rox and you know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh, go to to check out samples of her amazing music!!!!!!!!!

clothing magazine cheats

February 7, 2007

7.JPG           clothes.JPG     that is how you get the gold viking helmet, ok if you dont understand the pictures then here is a written thing, ok first you click the first 10 stars of the star necklace and they will change color, then when your dun clicking the 10 stars a red viking helmet will come up. then you keep on x-ing out of the viking helmet  and bringing it back open until you see a blue viking helmet. when you see that helmet, without closing the blue one, you click the tiara and a gold one will appear. 😀

                                * life is good! *     

cheat pics

February 7, 2007

4.JPGme on coffee shop           5.JPGnubbing picture… and i promise its me.  6.JPG        i made clubpenguin sketchy loooooking! 🙂

                                              * life is good *


me standing up for my culture… :-)

February 7, 2007

2.JPGi am standing up for my culture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am amazing( the reason im wearing non-member clothes is so i dont get piled in fiend requests :-D)


February 7, 2007

party.JPGin clubpenguin there is going to be a party on the ninth… just a sec, lemme check what party it is………. a festival of snow!!!!!!!!!!! isnt that so cool. ok just to tell you all the people that go to my blog… i will be like your broadcaster for clubpenguin. i know like evrything there is to know about clubpenguin… and more! :-). well i do still have a couple more things to learn about clubpenguin but im almost complete. so like tune in for more stuffs that willl be coming soon!!! 🙂                                              

                                                       * life is good *

clubpenguin rox rocks.

February 7, 2007

clubpenguin-rox.JPGclubpenguin is so great it can rock my socks. (my socks are hard to rock… trust me, some people *emily* have been trying to rock my socks… 🙂 so clubpenguin rocks alot! it has games and you can meet new friends… and more then friends. 😀 haha, well clubpenguin is also awesome becuase when theres a holiday and stuff they set up a party almost all over clubpenguin! and during the party they hand out free stuffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so cool. like at the last party which was a winter fiesta they handed out maracas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (those exlamation points are definatley needed… :-D)